After the Forge, 2024
Here is the day-late post due with my thoughts on Forge Midwest 2024. Due to drama with my day job, I left late. The dri
Going to the Forge, 2024
This week is going to be a frantic week of getting RL commitments wrapped up before driving to Madison to meet up with f
My Kingdom for a Design Solution!
For this singular post for the week, I share impressions of playing Wildsea and media as I struggle through the design p
Marching into Spring
Here in Eastern Iowa, we’ve been experiencing spring weather in February, when we should still be seeing snow or ice.
Gamicon 2024
Another Gamicon is in the books! Corridor Games on Demand had a presence with our Indie Games on Demand sessions and a P
Gaming on Demand
As mentioned previously, much of my time of late has been preparing for and then participating in mostly Games on Demand
Looking to Spring
The next three weekends are going to be intense. Some of that will be gaming-related. Some of it will be RL commitments.
Progress on Eye of the Magi, January, 2024
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Back to the Grind
When it snows, it blizzards with low low windchill temperatures, and that’s why I appreciate how playing games can off
Nearing the End of the Winter Break
The break is never long enough to do everything I’d like to accomplish. Last winter break, I poured through my physica