Gaming on Demand
As mentioned previously, much of my time of late has been preparing for and then participating in mostly Games on Demand
Looking to Spring
The next three weekends are going to be intense. Some of that will be gaming-related. Some of it will be RL commitments.
Nearing the End of the Winter Break
The break is never long enough to do everything I’d like to accomplish. Last winter break, I poured through my physica
AethernityAlong the RoadArmageddon AcceleratedCorridor ConCortex ConDark WellEye of the MagiFlames of the RebellionForge MidwestFoundGames on Demand OnlineGamiconGen Con OnlineLegends of the RealmLove and RocketsPatreonPlaytestingPodcastsSocialSpace Station OmegaStarfallTime and TempusVigilanceWar Song
2023 Retrospective
Here is my single post for this week that lists what I’ve focused on and where I believe I’m headed. 2023 ha