AquaVertigo Publishing

Happy One-year Anniversary!

I first posted on August 6, 2023.

It’s been a crazy ride since then, mostly in RL. I just got access back to my creator account after being swamped with work since May.

I’ve documented progress made and thoughts on media along the way in and around my schedule of health and jobs.

Many of us have been dealing with overwhelming news and changes in the world that make creative work challenging to maintain.

In spite of it all, I have to keep practicing my art. It gives me hope and courage to continue.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to return to a regular weekly posting, but I will be posting to share my thoughts and be accountable to this art I hold dear.

Thank you and be well.


DMK, the founder of AquaVertigo, is a creatively curious artist, author, designer, educator, entrepreneur, and organizer based in the Midwest, USA.

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