Ready for Gamicon 2019

Ready for Gamicon 2019

Gamicon, 2019, is less than a week away and for the first time since I ‘ve been running games at Gamicon, I feel like I’m more or less ready to go. I even have my stuff packed up near the door.

I look forward to gaming at Gamicon because it’s often the only time I get to see some of my friends who kindly travel from nearby states to participate with Corridor Games on Demand. And many of my gaming friends are also game designers so I get to talk shop face to face over food and fun.


Games that I’m scheduled to run:

  • War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus – An offering from me for the Indie Game Grab Bag.
    • I absolutely love this “Muppets Meets Game of Thrones” fantasy RPG in so many ways from the setup, the world, the furry little muppets with sharp pointy teeth and weapons, the incompetent meddling gods, the scary ridiculousness of each faction.
  • Epyllion: A Dragon Epic –An offering from me for the Indie Game Grab Bag.
    • This is a wonderful family-friendly game where friendship IS magic and the world is literally larger than life for you when you begin because you are little drakes in a world built for massive dragons. The evil Darkness, the politicking, the world building—it’s all so much fun.
  • Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game – I’m running this for the first time in a long con format, three acts with one per day for players to sign up and drop in as they like.
    • This is one of my all-time favorite games that I was introduced to when I was a still in high school and while I have quibbles about the system, it’s still a wonderful game set in an interesting setting thanks to Roger Zelazny’s imaginative writing.


Photo: Games I’m planning to run at Gamicon include War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus, Epyllion: A Dragon Epic, and the Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game.


DMK, the founder of AquaVertigo, is a creatively curious artist, author, designer, educator, entrepreneur, and organizer based in the Midwest, USA.

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